Awning Windows
A good solution when the window needs to be wider than it is tall.
They are easy to open and close with a crank-handle and work well in a variety of room styles.
Awning windows are hinged at the top and open outward from the bottom for excellent ventilation, even on rainy days.
Awning windows are often used for basements offering natural light into the space as well as air flow.
Awning Windows FAQ
An awning window is a one-panel window that opens outward from the bottom. It’s typically used in basements and cellars. On those occasions when it’s installed in one of the home’s main floors, it’s usually placed on the side of the house.
Like most windows on the market today, awning windows are available with a number of energy-efficient attributes, like gas in-fill between the panes and Low-E coatings on the glass.
Yes, awning windows can be installed in a home that has other window styles. In fact, it’s quite common to see a home that has an awning window in the basement and single-hung or sliding windows in other parts of the house.
By opening out, awning windows usher in fresh air, giving the home’s inhabitants some relief while keeping moisture from building up. And because it opens out, an awning window can block rain from entering.
Not at all. Although awning windows are often durable and energy efficient, they’re also available in numerous colors and any number of grid and glass options.
Contact us today
We work with you to select the best windows for your home’s architecture as well as your climate and lifestyle.
Let us help walk you through your replacement or new construction project at a more personalized level.